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Kaiju Assault Teams up with

"Weekly World News!"

Weekly World News logo

Weekly World News is coming to Kaiju Assault bringing some newsworthy kaiju and cryptids like Kangorous, Utuu, Two Headed Bigfoot, and more!


If you are unfamiliar with WWN you are missing out on important things the rest of the world isn't telling you! 

Check them out @

Subscribe today and learn the truth!


              Welcome The "Legendary" set!

This set officially introduces the next tier for kaiju
known as the "Legendary" tier! These powerful kaiju
cost a whopping 15 points to bring out!

Due to their Legendary status they get +1 to all
beam battles and immediately roll to break free from
grabs from lower tiered kaiju!

This awesome set includes 7 legendary kaiju and 19 other kaiju to further add to the game so pick it up in our store and join the carnage of Mecha Pangolar lobbing napalm across 3 targets at once or having the 8 headed Orochi with it's 150*8 beam attack! Trust me, it's balanced. We spent many hours making sure.

Kaiju Assault Legendary expansion set image for promotion.

All characters and likenesses in the game are owned by their respective owners. Kaiju found in author sets are licensed by the author. All artwork in the Kaiju Assault Card Game is commissioned or fan art submitted to OEGP for use in the game directly by the artist. Original kaiju created by OEGP and Kaiju Assault are property of Kaiju assault. Use of Original kaiju assault kaiju, outside of the game itself, is prohibited.

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